Covid-19 Update 2021 – What This Means For Eye Patients During Lockdown.

Since the UK government introduced a third lockdown in England from January 6th, Mr Alex Day has followed all of the guidance offered by Public Health England (PHE) to ensure that both new and follow-up appointments can continue safely. 

Furthermore, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has issued its own extensive guidance and online resources to ensure that medical practitioners, support staff and – above all – patients can continue to have confidence that all consultations and treatments are delivered in the safest way possible. The RCOphth’s advice covers everything from the correct use of personal protective equipment to consent recommendations and other forms of clinical guidance to ensure that all ophthalmic treatments are conducted to the highest possible standards.

What do patients need to take on board about the latest professional advice that all private eye consultants should be working to during the current lockdown restrictions?

Firstly, it is important to reiterate that medical consultations, follow-up assessments and treatments can all continue despite the current restrictions. Indeed, PHE’s advice says that treatment should continue where possible. Anyone who is putting off a consultation or a procedure because they think it is inappropriate or even against the law to travel to have a medical assessment should be reassured that it is the right thing to continue to seek professional health advice. Certainly, this is the case with eye health.

The safety and well being of all patients and staff is paramount. As such, Mr Alex Day’s clinic are currently operating with more widely spaced out appointments so there are less people in the clinic at any one time. Effectively, this means that fewer appointments are offered and this reason, we ask that you arrive at your appointment within 15 minutes of its scheduled time.

The lower number of appointments on offer means that there is less likelihood of patients coming into close contact with one another at Mr Alex Day’s clinic. In addition, it allows for more cleaning to be carried out between appointments. However, patients will also notice that continuous sanitisation is being performed during their clinic visit. This is in line with the latest guidance and carried out on top of the standard cleaning regime. Patients will also notice various plastic screens have been placed around instruments that are used for scanning and assessments. This is to help with the other barrier control measures there are in place.

Patients should notice few, if any, differences to the usual, professional service that is offered by Mr Alex Day. However, patients will be provided with a fluid resistant surgical mask to wear on arrival (unless they are exempt on medical grounds), and this should be worn for the duration of the appointment. Bear in mind, too, that social distancing should be maintained which is why you will find reduced seating available and we ask that patients should only come with a friend or relative if this is essential. 


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