The Process of Cataract Surgery Explained.

Cataract surgery can make a huge difference in the quality of your vision. If you have developed cataracts – a cloudiness of the natural lens in the eye – then the only effective treatment possible is surgery. However, you should note that replacing a cloudy natural lens with an artificial one can do more than merely dealing with your cataracts. 

The power of the new lens can be chosen such that any pre-existing short or long sightedness or astigmatism you have can also be corrected. This way, your reliance on glasses can be minimised. That said, it is important to understand the process of cataract surgery more fully before proceeding. What do you need to know?

Electing for Surgery

If your eyesight is becoming cloudy or misty such that glasses or contact lens no longer improve it, then you may be recommended cataract surgery. However, you do not need to have a surgical procedure carried out if you don’t want to. The choice is always the patient’s to make. 

Nevertheless, bear in mind that cataracts tend to worsen with age so having surgery conducted sooner rather than later may mean you enjoy better eyesight for longer. Also you may not be able to drive if your vision is less than the driving standard until your cataracts are removed. There is no harm to the eyes by delaying cataract surgery, but having it done sooner suits many people who simply want improved vision.

Prior to Surgery

All of the options surrounding cataract surgery should be explained to you before proceeding. This should include the additional benefits of having your surgery conducted privately. Whether you opt for a NHS service or not, your eye doctor should explain the risks associated with the procedure, whether it is likely you’ll need glasses after the surgery and how long it is likely to take you to recover.

Intraocular Lens Options

Your eye doctor should also explain the advanced intraocular lenses that are available to patients these days. Not all of the lens options you have with a private surgeon are available to NHS patients, so you ought to have a sound understanding of what intraocular lens is going to be used and the expected outcomes. In brief today, there are two main types of intraocular lenses, monofocal and multifocal/ extended depth of focus (EDoF). Discussing which you might opt for is an important part of the preoperative assessment.

Undergoing Surgery

Cataract surgery takes about 15 minutes per eye and is performed under a local anaesthetic. Sedation can be given to help you feel more relaxed as needed. The natural cloudy lens will be removed and the new lens put in its place. Using a laser to assist the surgeon makes more of the steps of surgery more precise and if you have astigmatism, then the laser can help treat this too.

Post-Operative Care

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and safest forms of surgery around. It is a low risk, but not a zero risk operation so meaning that only a few cataract surgeries have complications. That said, you will need to allow time for your eyes to recover, typically a week. Simple steps like never rubbing your eyes, applying your eye drops in the way your doctor recommends and resting your eyes will all help to ensure you enjoy a speedy recovery.


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